Preventing Cardiovascular Disease – an Interview with Dr. Jeffry Life – Episode 15

On this episode, we’re featuring a special RAAD Fest discussion from last year between Dr. Gladden and Dr. Jeffry Life, a doctor who has focused his practice on healthy aging and helping patients avoiding heart attacks and strokes. He incorporates the Bale-Doneen Method (learn more in the book Beat the Heart Attack Gene) in his treatment plans, which is about aggressively looking for vascular inflammation that causes heart disease and working to stop it.

They discuss some of the testing that can be done to identify vascular risk factors, which fall outside of the normal insurance-based model of healthcare. 

Dr. Life describes what he does for himself to improve his own health, fitness and longevity. He and Dr. Gladden discuss hormone replacement and HGH and when it is appropriate treatment.

Listen to this episode to learn about making a hundred the new thirty, living beyond 120, and Living Young for a Lifetime!

Special Guest:

In 1997, Dr. Jeffry Life was a board-certified family practice physician who was 59 years old, overweight, poorly conditioned body and in rapidly declining health. He couldn’t tie his shoes without losing his breath. His stomach was huge, his muscles and joints ached, and he was miserable. He decided it was time to focus some much-needed medical attention on himself.

Not knowing where to start, he began reading fitness magazines and came across an article that featured the winners of the Body-for-LIFE contest. He followed a low-glycemic/low-fat diet, took supplements, and plunged into a heavy exercise regimen with help from a former Navy Seal personal trainer, Ernie Baul. At the end of 1998, at 60 years of age and after consistently eating right and training right, he became the GRAND CHAMPION in Bill Phillip’s 1998 Body-for-LIFE contest.

He continued his commitment to the Fitness Lifestyle, yet despite my hard work and dedication, he started losing ground as he edged toward 63. He was slowly losing muscle mass, and strength and was regaining body fat. His energy level was waning, as was his libido. He had heard about the Anti-Aging Medicine Movement, so he investigated further. He learned a whole new level of protocols and philosophies and immediately agreed to become a patient.

Within a couple weeks, Life started to see and feel a marked shift in his body, mind and spirit. He was once again becoming a vibrant, healthy and happy man. It was life-altering and became the catalyst that moved him from Family Medicine to healthy aging medicine. He wanted every man and woman that struggled as he had to have hope for a better life. Today, at 78 years of age, he is in the best shape of his life. He’s in the gym 5 days a week. He has a thriving practice in Charleston, West Virginia (The Life Center for Healthy Aging), and he has authored three books: The Life PlanMastering the Life Planand The Life Plan Diet.

Learn more at

Follow him on Twitter @DrLife, Instagram @drjlife and Facebook.


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