Biocharged-Resistor – An interview with Ian Mitchell – Episode 103

On today’s show, Dr. Jeffery Gladden and Dr. Mark Young have an exciting conversation about Ozonated Oils with Ian Mitchell. Ian is the Polymath in Residency at Ecliptic Capital, the Lead Scientist at Biocharged and Wizard Sciences, and the head of R&D at BioHack. As the Lead Scientist at Biocharged, Ian helped develop Resistor, a charged Ozonated Oil that promotes gut support, cellular strength, and provides immune support, just to name a few things. Ian educates us on what Ozonated Oils are, how they started, how they work, the great health benefits, and shares some incredibly helpful tips with us!

Listen to this episode to learn about making a hundred the new thirty, living beyond 120, and Living Young for a Lifetime!

Show Notes:

• Dr. Gladded talks about what you need to know with relation to Vitamin D / testing / how it can help you.
• Mark introduces today’s guest, Ian Mitchell, and we learn a bit about him.
• We learn what the difference between Ozone saunas and Ozonated Oils is.
• Ian talks more on how Ozonated Oils work and how they are made.
• We learn the history of Ozonated Oils and how they started.
• We discuss the benefits of ozonated oils WITH Hydrogen
• The panel talks all things delivery, how to get compounds to where they need to go
• We talk about activated charcoal and how it can help
• What can Biocharged Resistor can do for you
• Ian tells us his tips for Living Beyond 120

To learn more about Biocharged, visit 

Tip of the Day – Vitamin D has many benefits. Research has come out showing that if you have an adequate Vitamin D level can reduce the symptoms if you contract COVID-19.


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